Monday, March 30, 2020

The Necessity Of Positive And Normative Economics Essays

The Necessity Of Positive And Normative Economics Keynes once wrote: The object of a positive science is the establishment of uniformities, of a normative science the determination of ideals. (Blaug, 122) This is the dichotomy that economists recognize when approaching their field of study. The social scientist must recognize both positive and normative distinctions, means and ends, as important factors of fruitful research. Secondly, they must clearly express the conditions and assumption which theories holds in order for economics to be useful for society. Positive science is that which is a fact of nature or a fact by definition. In mathematics this is the difference between the knowledge that the angles of a triangle sum to 180 degrees, and the definition of a triangle as a two dimensional polygon with 3 sides. In economics, such facts of knowledge include that money is a store of value, or facts of definition that the UNs Human Development Index ranks Canada above Mexico. These are all positive facts. Whether they rely or are associated with values does not reduce their factualness to a normative realm. One cannot refute positive statements by claiming they are arrived at due to values. It is up to normative science to judge the value of the HDI, a positive fact, and not mistake this action as denying the existence of the HDI. This is probably better stated with a topic from macroeconomics. Suppose that some economists agree that inflation produces the social cost of having to adjust prices to new levels. This is a completely positive statement. As long as every term has been clearly defined, one can understand the relation between inflation (as defined) and cost (as defined). Yes, the definitions have been chosen based on specific values, but this does not disaffirm the statement as a true reflection of reality. Suppose we make a true statement which denies that inflation produces this social cost, by defining inflation or the cost differently. The old positive fact of reality that the first statement asserted has not changed. By changing definitions, we have merely created a new positive statement. A statement is a true positive fact, according to Weston, when it is consistent with definitions and axioms that define the system. We are not necessarily saying anything about what is true outside of that sys tem. (Weston, 4) The values we have based each statement on does not induce them into the sphere of normative science. Neither makes any statement concerning the values of inflation or costs, nor that one statement is preferable over the other. Here lies the duty of the economist: to make a normative decision on which positive statements are most applicable to the needs of society. Do we want to evaluate policy based on inflation definition number one or two? Do we care about social cost one more than social cost two? These are in the scope of normative science. Effectual positive facts are the means in reality to achieve ends. In this manner, economics is not value-free, and for good reason. There must be some utility gained from knowledge for research to be beneficial to mankind. Positive facts are not study for the sake of learning positive facts, but as a possible means to an end. Normative economics are those value statements which guide our use and development of positive science. Positive facts are not limited by our values, but we can use our values to determine which positive statements are of most interest to society. Positive statements are the basis for any science, but do little good for mankind if we do not evaluate and distinguish some statements as more useful than others. Thus positive science is made fruitful through normative values, and reciprocally, normative judgments are based on objective positive science. It is best to demonstrate this with an example from a less controversial science, physics. If a physicist decides that we need to further study thermodynamics in a specific way because of the needs of applications in space, his approach is a normative decision based on the normative desires of some group of people. However, the results which he arrives at will remain true for the conditions and viewpoint specified, despite the value to the space industry, which may

Saturday, March 7, 2020

How To Get Along With Your Roommate In College

How To Get Along With Your Roommate In College You’ve started college or university, everything is new and shiny, everything is exciting, you’re going to meet so many new people! Of course, one of those new people is likely to be your new roommate, someone you are going to be sharing a lot of time and space with over the coming year or so. You need to get along with this person, so how can you do it? Well, hopefully you find someone who is like you in terms of personality, someone who shares common interests and can support you in difficult situations. But dont be desperate if not. Here are a few tips on how to get along with your college roommates, as well as a few pointers on how to set house rules in your dorm room. Don’t Expect Miracles Straightaway Rome wasn’t built in a day they say, and it’s true in many cases in life. Everyone is going to be a bit nervous or even a little defensive when they start college or university. Some people take a little longer to settle in than others. If you find your new friends in college are a little shy, then they may come across as defensive or cold, but that’s not to say they are that way in reality, they’re just finding their feet. Give it a little time, and don’t expect everything to be roses straightaway; in a week or two, you’ll be getting along like a house on fire, although not literally, of course! Be a Little Sociable Suggest a night out or a few social activities in the first week of moving in, so you can enjoy relaxing time away from the house and away from college. When dealing with college roommates, you need to find common ground, and being sociable and relaxed is the ideal way to do this. You will probably find that your new friends are wanting to get out and experience the place just as much as you are, but they’re probably waiting for someone else to make the first move. Set a few House Rules Whilst you want it all to be fun and relaxed, it’s important to set a few house rules for college roommates, so you know you’re all on the same page, and you’re not treading on any one’s feet, so to speak. If someone wants to share food cupboards, but someone else wants to have private ones, you need to find common ground and set a rule. You also need to have rules regarding cleaning, so nobody is going to get resentful of doing more than the others. Appreciate That Everyone Needs Space Not everyone wants to talk all the time, and some people may need a little space away from everyone, in order to get their work done, to speak to friends and family at home, and to basically chill out and have a little ‘me’ time. This is perfectly normal, so don’t get offended if your new roomie decides to lock themselves away for an hour or two; appreciate everyone’s need for space and you should get along fine. Sort Out Arguments and Bickers Quickly One of the best pieces of advice when dealing with college roommates is to sort out any problems quickly, and not to let them fester. You’ve been thrown together, when perhaps you wouldn’t have chosen to live together otherwise, so of course, there are going to be differences in opinion or problems that occur from time to time. Sit down and talk about them, and don’t turn the smallest thing into a slanging match – this means you will be able to smooth out any choppy waters, without it turning into World War Three. Getting along with your new roommate is about give and take – you need to recognise differences. Of course, it’s not going to be plain sailing all the time, but the key is to be adult about the situation and see it as the great opportunity to gain a lifelong friend.